lunes, 6 de junio de 2011

Spanish Version

Zaragoza 3 to November 6, 2011 Spain


     Place: Centro Pignatelli and Patio de la Infanta
     Organizers: CreArte Asociacion
      Sponsor: Social Work Ibercaja Centro Pignatelli, Saragosse University    
       Spanih is the official languaje


After the “I National Congress of Creatives Therapies” done in 2006 by the Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna de la Universitat Ramón Llul (masters in MT), the Universidad of Barcelona (masters in AT) and the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (masters in DMT).
It is propose as second scenary of those meeting between professionals the “II National Congress of Creative Therapies” that pretends to continue to the other National Congress. By this way the Association for the creativity, Art and Therapy (CREARTE) maintains the objective of creating a new space to discuss and reflect on aspects of clinical practice, research and training of the creative therapies: Art Therapy (AT), Dance Movement Therapy (DMT), Theatre Therapy (TT) and Music Therapy (MT).
Answering o the uncreasing demands of the new taking up in…..of the actual problems of our society, it´s necessary to keep known what therapeutics interventions through the artistic ways can offer. The Art Therapy, Dance Therapy, Theatre Therapy and Music Therapy are disciplines introduced that generates quick advances in the practice and research, showing its efficiency and potential to treat different problems of several collectives, being possible to form part of new actual-therapeutic resources.

Everyday are growing the people that receive these treatments and also is bigger the number of entities that offers then in their services.
Also it will be treated to open a new space of discussion about the actual situation inside social-sanitary, educative and comunitary frame, and the professional future perspectives of this artistic therapies of our country, as well as to promote an exchance and professional enrichment.
The information of this page it will be constantly actualized

Miguel Ángel Diví CastellónPresident CreArTe Association
  • Ibercaja Obra Social
  • Centro Pignatelli
  • Saragosse University

Assisting Entities
         Professional and students of the different creative therapies.
         Collective of people with disabilities and other fieldwork capacities.
         Professional and students of health, education and social as researchers interested in creative therapies.
         Researchers and trainners of creative therapies.
         Profesional of public administration.
The contents of the congress will be organized around four creative arts therapies in the theoretical and conceptual dimensions, technological, research, clinical practice and supervision. These dimensions are grouped according to the following clinical areas:
Block A: Education
Block B: Society
Block C: Healtht
Block D: Research
Also it will be treated the communitary, formative and developed aspects in the four creative therapies.
There will be programmed to turn specific conferences given by national professionals of art therapy AT, dance movement therapy DMT, theatre therapy TT and music therapy MT.

Structure of the Congress
The structure of the congress will give the opportunity for participants to choose their own program from different types of sessions and formats:
- Communications: Oral presentation of written material for 30 minutes (20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes as discussion).
- Workshop: 90 minutes. It will be presented practical activities that demonstrate new methodological and didactic.
- Posters: visual presentation on clinical and research projects in poster format.
The conference program will include documentation about the content.

Proposals, Workshops, Communications and Posters
The organizers invites to participate in the congress by presenting proposals of communication or workshops framed in the four blocks of content refers to one of the four major thematic axis of the congress, Art Therapy AT, Dance Movement Therapy DMT,  Theatre Therapy TT or Music Therapy MT.
It could be presented communications, workshop or posters. Every one of them will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of Congress
Proposals will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee for the peer review system.
Communications: should have between 500 and 1,000 words, including between 100 and 200 words of bibliography references.
Workshops: The workshops should be between 1500 and 2,000 words, including between 100 and 200 words of references.
Proposals should be sent as an attachment to and accompanied by a curriculum author.

Information needed for the presentations includes:

         Title: Title of paper or workshop
         Keyword: (five) keywords describing the contents of the report
         Block: The subject field-matter of the report
         Author: Complete name
         Materials: instruments, paintings, room type ...
         Address: Complete mailing address of the author or contact person
         Phone: Phone first author or contact person
         Email: Email the autor

Presentation of communication and workshops
The period of time ends up July 20, 2011
Communications and workshops welcome
The list of accepted reports will be published on the Web site of Congress on August 20, 2011
Posters Presentation
The poster format is the graphic illustration of the topic presented in cardboard-like support 60 x 90 cm.
The author will have spaces reserved for that purpose in the Congress to respond personally to questions put to them by participants.
In the middle October 2011 will communicate the date and time assigned to each participant.

All posters must have the following heading:

- Title
- Name of author / s and institution to which he belongs
- Thematic area in which it is presented (MT, AT, PD, DMT, Education, Medical, Research, Society
The period of time for presentation of the posters ends up the September 20
The author of accepted work  must be registered in the Congress before September 20, 2011.

A new feature is incorporated into this Second Congress Theatre Therapy specialty in its different ways as: Drama, Theater Gestalt therapy and Psychodrama
This second meeting also directed to the collective of people with disabilities as active part of the forum.

Technical Coordinator

Miguel Angel Diví Castellón: music therapist, musical education teacher and musician. Collaborator of the master teachers in music therapy from the Psychological Studies Institute (ISEP) and the Autonomous University of Madrid. President of the Association for Creativity, Art and Therapy (CreArte). Coordinator and faculty director of Music Therapy course at the University of Zaragoza and Oppositions of Music courses in the Aragón’s Association of Educational Psychology.

Organizing Committee

Jorge Apodaca Specialist in music therapy, music education teacher. Enchiriadis and choir director of the medical college, musician and singer.

Emilio Barba psychologist. Gestalt therapist. Formed in Systemic Therapy: Family Constellations and Integrative Psychotherapy / Psychology enneatypes (Claudio Naranjo's SAT program.) Degree in Expressive Arts. Special Education Assistant. Professor of Therapeutic Theatre.

Conchita Berruete humanist art therapist, trained in Gestalt therapy. Degree in therapeutic pedagogy. Ed teacher. musical child. Storyteller.

Desiré Bosque psychologist, a piano teacher and music therapist at Alcañiz

Belén Capapé Dance therapist, Creative Therapeutic Method "María Fux" by Natalia Artiach. Clinical Intervention Bodily Grace Vella. Special Educator. Educator of Infant Massage. Reiki. He founded and works at the Center for Integrated Therapy Adam.

Marta Catalan psychologist, occupational therapist at the Hospital San Juan de Dios and music therapist. Associate professor at the U. S. CC Health, University of Zaragoza

Gonzalo Catalinas art therapist and dance therapeutic. Bachelor of Communication Studies

Jorge Ferrer Music therapist, educator and musician

María García art therapist

Mada Gerra art therapist. Artist. Trained in group dynamics and community art by the Findhorn Foundation.

Laura Lisi Superior guitar teacher. Degree in Dalcroze Rhythmic by the Dalcroze Institute in Geneva. Prenatal Canto specialist education and music therapy. Choir director

Elvira Martín psychologist, a music teacher and music therapist. Team teaching of the Master of Music Therapy Training Institute of Music, Art and Process
Cristina Martínez psychologist, physical therapist, art therapist and music therapist
María del Mar Martínez degree in Psychology. Professor of Piano and Music Theory. Music teacher at secondary school. Music Therapist
Sergio Marzo Actor, educator and social therapeutic program circus project at the Center for Education and Internment judicial, social worker and professor of theater
Ana Moreno psychologist, social educator, psychotherapist, art therapist, vice president of the Spanish association of body and character-analytic psychotherapy. Coordinator training in art therapy in Huesca and Zaragoza. Directs the Center for Art Therapy "body-mind”.
Carmelo Pueyo, BA in History, piano teacher, music therapist and professional pianist Municipal Conservatory of Dance, Singer / songwriter. He gives courses and develops projects of music and communication for different groups. Author of IN DANCE MUSIC

Carlos Purroy Atades music therapist in Huesca and Serrate Augustine Foundation, Arcadia Choir Director and Senior Lecturer in Guitar

Ana Isabel Ripa top music teacher, music therapist, a member and representative of the Graduate Music Therapy at the University of Zaragoza in the Spanish Association of Professional Music Therapists

Ana Samitier: Teacher Education. Therapist. Psychomotrician. Specialist speech and drama

Miren Aingeru Saralegi Danzaterapeuta, Creative Therapeutic Method "María Fux" by Natalia Artiach. Clinical Intervention by Grace Vella body. Psychomotrician. Social and Special Educator. P.N.L. Reiki.

Aurora Zamarreño ASPACE psychologist and music therapist in Zaragoza, a piano teacher

Scientific Committee

Ramon Ballester: Director and creator of the Mediterranean school of art therapy. Master Painter, Gestalt therapist, teacher and supervisor of therapists, trained in Integrative Psychotherapy, specializing in Arterapia. Disciple of Claudio Naranjo. Full member of the Spanish Association of Gestalt Therapy (AETG), recognized by the Spanish Federation of Associations of Psychotherapists (FEAP). Vice president and cofounder of the Spanish Association of Arterapia (AEA).
- Enrique Bardina Tremps - psychologist, speech therapist, professor and nursing department physiatry CC EU Health at the University of Zaragoza
- Mireia Bassols Soldevila: Art Therapist, Co-Director and teacher at the Masters in Art Therapy from the AEC-UVic. Graduate Coordinator and Professor of Speech, Communication, Languages ​​and intercultural educational practices, ACS-UB. Coordinator of various publications on Art Therapy and Speech-Communication. Degree in Psychology. Technical education and cooperation of the City of Barcelona, ​​Les Corts district.
- Isabel Bueso Gonzalez clinical and industrial psychologist in the Special Employment Centre, psychotherapist, master's in clinical psychology and psychotherapy and integrative psychotherapy training in gestalt. DEA. CreArte vice president of the Association.
- Dr. Maria del Rio Diéguez - Professor of Arts Education Department of Art Education, Fine Arts and Visual, from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Teacher-supervisor of the Master of Art Therapy UCM Doctoral Program Professor of Art Applications in Social Inclusion: Arts, Therapy and Education in Diversity, UCM, UAM, UVA Art Therapy Program, Head of the Psychiatric Day Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Madrid. Professor of Art Therapy Master of Girona.
- Claudia Fres: playwrights and Gestalt Therapist (EMTG). Currently working as an actress, as a therapist and runs her Actor Training School in Madrid. Therapeutic Theatre teaches workshops for different groups in different cities in Spain. Formed in Integrative Psychotherapy (SAT). He completed the graduate course "Analysis and Group Leadership" and the workshop on "Creativity" with Paco Peñarrubia and Psychopathology for Gestalt therapists "given by Dr. Ignacio Peña. In June 2010 contributed to the SAT program directed by Dr. Claudio Naranjo.
- Paul Gelpi Fleta - Bachelor of Science in Sport and Physical Activity. Graduate Certificate in Artistic Expression and Dance at the University of A Coruña. Graduate Certificate in Emotional Education and Welfare at the University of Barcelona. Ph.D. in Theatre, body and society: science education research "Theatre Pedagogy, University of A Coruña.
- Teodoro Herranz Castillo. - Director of School of Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Clinical Psychologist. Specialist Psychotherapy (EFPA). Psychotherapist. Psychodramatist. Family Therapist. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. Professor Faculty of Humanities UPCO. President of the A.E.P 1998-2000. President of the A.E.P.P.
- Paloma Larena Colom -Psychologist Specialist in clinical psychology, psychoanalyst, member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the World Association of Psychoanalysis, Coordinator of the Freudian Field Institute in Zaragoza, Associate Professor Dept. of Psychology and Sociology from the University of Zaragoza (Faculty of Education).
 - Dr. Belén López Casanova - Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Music Therapy at the University of Zaragoza, Dept. professor musical expression, plastic body of the Faculty of Education
- Alicia Lorenzo Coordinator of the Master of Music Therapy and Advanced Applications of Autonomous University of Madrid (Violinist, Music Therapist by the New York University. Vice President of Music and Medicine Association. Nordoff Robbins method Specialist
- Luis Alberto Mateos Hernández - Psychologist, musician and music therapy specialist. Professor at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. President of the AEMP (Spanish Association of Professional Music Therapists). Director of Intervention Unit / Research in Music Therapy State Reference Center for Alzheimer's (Salamanca).
- Dr. Melissa Mercadal Brotons - Psychologist. Doctor of Musical Education and Psychology of Music, University of Oregon (USA). Master in Music Therapy from the University of Florida (USA). Director of Masters in Music Therapy (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Universitat Ramon Llull) in Barcelona.
- Carmen Miguel Sesma: Psychologist, dance-movement therapist. Therapeutic and creative approach to Natalia María Fux Artiach. MA in Movement Therapy and Dance at the University of Barcelona. Master in Cognitive Therapy. Graduate neuropsychology and dementia. Collaborative teaching in the Masters in Movement Therapy and Dance, IL3-UB. Co-authored the article "Transition between psychotherapeutic models in the care of mental deficiency" Babel published in the Journal of the Bolivarian University. It is currently developing his professional career in the field of Mental Health, Neuropsychiatric Center Our Lady of Carmen de Zaragoza.
- Teresa Monsegur de la Torre choreographer specializing in teaching the movement. Actress. Dance-Therapist. Physiotherapist. Psychodramatist psychotherapist. Internship coordinator, teacher and supervisor of the Master of Dance-Movement Therapy, University of Barcelona 2002-2010. Specialist Laban Movement Analysis and Labanotation. Faculty member at the School of Psychoanalytic Psychodrama Barcelona. Lecturer and tutor in the Master of Art Therapy from the University of Vic and the AEC and the Institut National d'Expression of Creation, d'Art-Therapie-France (INECAT). Member of the Spanish Association of Group Psychotherapy and Techniques (SEPTG)
- Pilar Orguillés Boquera: Art Therapist (Grefart). Masters in Art Therapy from the University of Vic Courses I and II of Specialization in Art Therapy Supervision from the University of Grefart. Master Teacher and Tutor of Integrative Art Therapy at the University of Grefart. Diploma in Nursing. Masters in Addictions (Grefart)
- Carlos Ramos i Portas - Art-psychotherapist and director of art therapy research center in Barcelona Metaphor. Masters in Art Psychotherapy by Goldmiths' College of London University with a degree in Fine Arts. Founding member and former president of ATE (Association of Spanish Professional art therapists). Promoter of art therapy, designed the first master's degree in this specialty at the University of Barcelona
- Patricia Sabbatella: Doctor of Philosophy and Education. -Degree in music therapy. Director of Masters in Music Therapy offered by the University of Cadiz and the Polytechnic Institute of Oporto, Portugal. Subject teachers of Musical Development and Teaching in Early Childhood Education and Special Education, Music Therapy in Music Education, Music Therapy and Music Therapy in Special Education in Hearing Disorders and Language. Researcher-founder of the Research Group HUM-794 Music Education and Therapy. Andalusian Research Plan, Andalusia
- Dr. Pablo Saz Peiró - Medical. Associate Professor Department of Microbiology, Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Zaragoza. Specialist Medical Hydrology and director of the Journal and the Postgraduate Diploma in Naturopathic Medicine. University of Zaragoza
- Dr. Heidrun Panhofer: PhD in Dance Movement Psychotherapy, Hertfordshire University, School of Psychology in England. MA in Dance Movement Therapy - DMT (Laban Centre for Movement and Dance, London City University, England). Diploma in Dance (St. Stiofain College, Cork, Ireland). Graduate in Special Education (Pädagogische Akademie, Graz, Austria). Coordinator and teacher at the Masters and Postgraduate Diploma in DMT of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB (designer of the program of the same course). Co-founder and former President of the Spanish Association of Dance Movement Therapy - ADMTE, Barcelona
- Monia Presta degree in clinical and community psychology from the University La Sapienza. Actress. Teatroterapeuta and art therapist by the European Academy of Expressive Art Therapy (Roma). Degree in Theatre from the University of Urbino (Italy). Graduate Graduate Sex Therapy and Couple Therapy (UB). Director of Graduate ISEP Theatre therapy in Barcelona. Author of "Apláudete yourself" and "Handbook of art therapy with autistic and psychotic patients." Conducts seminars in Spain and Italy. Specializing in clinical psychophysiology, group therapy and counseling. Professor in the Masters in Clinical Sexology and Therapy ISEP partner. Theatre therapy teaching programs in different postgraduate programs (University of Girona, IESP). Director of the Masters of Art-Counseling ASPIC Pescara (Italy).
- Reyes Torres Sánchez - Psychologist, Professor of the EU CC Health, University of Zaragoza.
- Dr. Hilda Wengrower -dance movement therapist, teaches at several universities in Spain and other countries. Former academic director of the Master through Movement Therapy and Dance (MTD) IL3-Universitat de Barcelona. Doctor of Psychology (UB), therapist and dance movement since 1981. Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy. Co-coordinator with S. Chaiklin the book: Life is Dance, Art and Science of Dance Movement Therapy, ed. Gedisa. Author of several publications on dance movement therapy.

Art and Consciousness: Andrés Waksman is an actor, dancer, choreographer and stage director. Sign in to dance hand in hand with Graciela Figueroa. His work and research focuses on the boundaries between dance and theater, between art and self-knowledge. Authentic Movement Practice and coordinates. Directs ALAS, Arts in Motion in Barcelona, ​​is a teacher and trainer of therapists at various schools and Arterapia Getalt in Spain: Institut Gestalt (Barcelona), Aula Gestalt Balearic (Mallorca), School of Arterapia the Mediterranean (Barcelona), School of Arterapia The Wayfarer (Málaga), Postgraduate Diploma in Body and Art (Alas, Barcelona), The Body (Barcelona) among others. Disciple and collaborator Claudio Naranjo in the Program for Integrative Psychotherapy Sat, vice president of the Foundation Claudio Naranjo, which is also on this occasion.

Music Therapy: María Jesús del Olmo Barros PhD in Music Therapy from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Diploma of Music Pedagogy from the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid. Title of Professor of Music Theory, Music Theory, transportation and accompaniment (Conservatory of Madrid, Ferraz) Expert in Music Therapy for the Therapy Center Global Bilbao. -Deputy Director of the Master of Music Therapy and Advanced Applications UAM (Medical School). Associate Professor at the Department of Music Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the UAM. Professor of Hearing and Speech Therapy and Special Education School "Cardenal Cisneros" at the University of Alcalá.

Dance Movement Therapy: - Teresa Monsegur de la Torre - choreographer specializing in teaching the movement. Actress. Dance-Therapist. Physiotherapist. Psychodramatist psychotherapist. Internship coordinator, teacher and supervisor of the Master of Dance-Movement Therapy, University of Barcelona 2002-2010. Specialist Laban Movement Analysis and Labanotation. Faculty member at the School of Psychoanalytic Psychodrama Barcelona. Lecturer and tutor in the Master of Art Therapy from the University of Vic and the AEC and the Institut National d'Expression of Creation, d'Art-Therapie-France (INECAT). Member of the Spanish Association of Group Psychotherapy and Techniques (SEPTG)
Art Therapy: Dr. Jean-Pierre Klein, Honorary Psychiatrist Hospital, doctor authorized to conduct research in psychology, art therapist. Theater director, has been president of the Collège International de Psychiatrie Children and Youth of France. Associate member of Théâtre écrivains. He is president of the International Relations Therapy and Help with Mediation FITRAM (Strasbourg). Author of numerous publications on art therapy and psychiatry. Operator and supervisor training Art Therapy Association of i per a l'Expressió the Comunicació, AEC, Barcelona and Director of l'Institut National d'Expression of Creation, Transformation et d'Art, INECAT, Paris.
Drama Therapy: Ramón Resino Bachelor of Arts and Dramatic Arts. Director of Classroom The Montera. Drama courses taught Gestalt, Gestalt Supervision and Family Constellations. Dramatic Gestalt therapist. Since 1971 he is professor of drama at Higher Secondary school Aljarafe Andalusian Cooperative Society, and trainer of actors, co-educators and psychotherapists in Africa, America and Europe. Disciple and collaborator Claudio Naranjo. Didacta Honorary Chairman and member of the National Association of Bert Hellinger Family Constellations. One of the major broadcasters in Spain of the method of Bert Hellinger.
Psychoanalysis and Art: Ivan Ruiz Steel: Intern Analyst, BA in Psychology and graduate in piano and music. Psychologist at the Servei d'Atenció i See d'APINA (Igualada). Psychologist and musician in high school. Member of the Lacanian School of Psychoanalysis and the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Author and translator of several articles on music and psychoanalysis published in various journals (Freudian, Revue de la Cause Freudienne, Psychoanalysis and analysis). Polyphonies co-author of Psychoanalysis (Ed. Pomaire, 2010) dedicated to the connections between music and psychoanalysis. Documentary director of Other Voices. A different perspective on autism, produced by Teide and production process.